Russian Language Courses in Kazan State Agrarian University
The most effective and interesting way to learn Russian is to do it in the country where you are surrounded by native speakers. So, the best way to learn Russian is Russia!
Kazan State Agrarian University invites all who is interested in Russian Language and History to Russian Language Courses (LRC) of the University.
The goal of RLC is to provide learners the opportunity to acquire and to improve high quantity of educational process. Russian language courses are available at all levels from beginners to advanced at competitive price.
Our method and course books
Our teachers use their extensive experience to design lessons individually for each student. Of course we use all common textbooks like Poehali, Russian for Beginners, Practical course of Intensive Russian, Survival Russian, Everyday conversation etc. However, we use them creatively.
We also have original teaching materials, which can clear up specific communication and grammar problems.
Our method is always presented language in context of real life situations, with extra targeted practice of grammar and vocabulary.
Our aim is to use an enjoyable, easy to understand, but in the same time reliable method of studying Russian. We combine the communicative approach with a systematic presentation of material, plus numerous appropriate exercises.
If you decide to join our RLC fill in the Application form and send it to the International Department of the University by e-mail just now.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us:
Kazan State Agrarian University
International Department, Office 7
K.Marx Str. 65
Kazan, 420015, Russia
Tel.: +7 (843)567-46-13