With the purpose of realization of the innovation science development program at the University, new scientific departments are being established subdivided into sections and creative teamworks.
At the educational and experimental farm of Kazan State Agrarian University the Educational Scientific Industrial Centre of innovations in the agroindustrial complex is being established. It comprises the following departments:
1. The agrotechnological innovation department for implementation of saving technologies of cropping (headed by Prof. A.S. Salikhov) with the following creative teamworks:
- winter plants cropping (Prof. A.S. Salikhov, Associate Professor R.V. Minikaev);
- spring wheat and feed crops (Associate Professor M.F. Amirov);
- barley and buckwheat cropping (Prof. R.I. Safin);
- potato cropping (Prof. V.P. Vladimirov);
- rape and perennial plants cropping (Prof. F.N. Safiollin).
2. The department for testing pesticides, agrochemicals, breeds and hybrids of crops (headed by Prof. R.I. Safin) with the following creative teamworks:
- pesticides and agrochemicals tests (Prof. R.I. Safin);
- evaluation of crops breeds and hybrids (Associate Professor L.S. Nizhegorodtseva).
3. The machine-testing station (Prof. E.G. Nurullin).
4. The department of technical service for agricultural machines, tractors and cars (Associate Professor K.A. Khafizov).
5. The department of economic support of enterprises functioning in the agroindustrial complex (Prof. F.N. Mukhametgaliev).
6. The department of accounting automation of the agroindustrial complex enterprises (Prof. G.S. Klychkova).